So I saw this thing on Justin Bieber's and Britney Spears's facebook fan pages and it got me thinking. Show hearts. Send love and support to those in needs. It's amazing that only in a time of need we all ban together to help those in crisis, usually in our own communities. Then a few days later, say after an earthquake, flood, or a riot in Vancouver, we all forget that there are some people who will need help after the fact... after the cameras are gone. Got me thinking about our own Vancouver Downtown Eastside and how I used to be so involved down there. When I was younger, a few of my friends and I would get together and we would make hot dogs, hot chocolate and whatever other treats we had donated to us, and would stand on Main and Hastings to serve those who are at the most in need. The only reason we stopped? Summer. Work. Jobs. Yet I'm sure that there were those who actually came back week after week thinking "thank goodness I'll have a meal tonight" and then the week came when it stopped. I'm not saying I'm about to make up a bowl of soup and drive downtown by myself, but I think a bigger lesson is to be learn. We live in the most incredible city in the world with some of the world poverty in the country. Perhaps there needs to be more events that pertain to loving those who need love the most. Perhaps we need to have more fundraisers to help our fellow brothers and sisters in need. Or perhaps, I'll just got to Starbucks tomorrow morning and order my vente americano and go back to working on my career.
Emo blog post? Perhaps. Thought provoking? I'd hope so. Show Hearts. Help your neighbour. Give them your Starbucks and make your own silly drip coffee at the office. <3
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